Research Projects

Current Projects under Development

2007 KG in officeAs funds are available, GoodBirth Ministries is continuing to research, write, and publish additional theological and exegetical studies, both in book and DVD formats. Your donations will help us complete these projects.

The Olivet Discourse Made Easy (revised and expanded)
I am currently working on a new edition for my book The Olivet Discourse Made Easy. I am expanding it to include the latter section of the discourse which focuses on the second advent/final judgment (Matt. 24:36–25:46). I had left off consideration of that portion since my focus was on countering dispensationalism’s approach to Olivet. But recently the continuing presence of hyper-preterism has made it important to see how the second portion of the discourse moves on to present the final judgment. As I am engaged in the project I am finding so much material that I may have to rename the book, because it is getting so large that it is breaching the constraints of the “Made Easy” theme. Woe is me!

In my current edition I list thirteen arguments for Matt. 24:32–36 being a “transition” or “hinge” passage. This section carries the reader away from the temple-judgment prophecy to the final judgment (which the temple’s destruction presages; AD 70 is related to the final judgment thematically but not chronologically, typically not identically). So far, in my new edition I have compiled twenty-two arguments for the transition occurring in vv. 32–36.

Not only so, but my current edition only summarily presents each of the thirteen points in two or three paragraphs each. I now am filling out these arguments where they almost become a chapter each!

I am working on this project for two reasons:

First, I weary of people saying “Gentry argues that….” I am listing numerous scholars who have led me to these conclusions, many of whom wrote long before I did (e.g., Charles H. Spurgeon, J. Marcellus Kik, R. T. France, David E. Garland, Jefferey A. Gibbs, Alistair A. Wilson, Jeannine K. Brown, Kyle Roberts, and others). Hyperpreterists get a kick out of doing this, assuming that it makes it look like I am making up some random arguments that no one else has ever held. But I am simply a messenger, not a prophet.

Second, a correct understanding of Olivet requires a proper interpretation of three key units in the discourse:

(1) Matt. 24:1–3, which shows the disciples are confused by Jesus’ prophecy regarding the temple’s destruction. They wrongly link it with the final judgment. Recognizing this will keep the interpreter from charging off in the wrong direction, exclaiming “eureka, I found it!” Then falling into a ditch.

For those interested in how often the disciples were confused, I recommend two particular, very helpful books that focus intently upon their failure to understand Jesus properly while he was on earth:

• Jeannine K. Brown, The Disciples in Narrative Perspective: The Portrayal and Function of the Matthean Disciples (Brill, 2002)

• David E. Garland, A Theology of Mark’s Gospel: Biblical Theology of the New Testament (Zondervan, 2015), 405ff (section 9.4: “The Disciples’ Failing Performance in Mark’s Narrative”)

The clearest evidence of their dullness (which leads Jesus to repeatedly call them “you of little faith”) is their not recognizing that he has come to die, despite his declaring this truth to them. Interestingly, they are so dull that at Peter’s highest insight into Christ’s person he declares; “You are the Christ the son of the living God” (Matt. 16:16). But immediately after this Jesus tells them he must go to Jerusalem to die and the very same Peter began to rebuke Jesus, saying it will never happen. To which Jesus responds: “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.”

(2) Matt. 24:32–35, which shows that Jesus is concluding his answer to the disciples’ first question regarding the temple’s destruction. This sub-unit is powerful evidence for the first-century fulfillment of the great tribulation, the abomination of desolation, and other events associated with the temple’s destruction and which appear in verses 4–31. Those events were clearly coming to pass in “this generation” (v. 34) in which Jesus lived. This has been the main focus and argument of my The Olivet Discourse Made Easy up to this time.

(3) Matt. 24:36, which is a key verse in the transition passage (Matt. 24:32–36) showing that Christ is now turning back to re-visit the disciples’ question now focusing on their second question: “what will be the sign of Your coming [parousia], and of the end of the age?”

By increasing my transition arguments from thirteen to twenty-two and expanding on them in great detail, I will show that the disciples wrongly bring up the parousia (“coming”) in their question about the destruction of Jerusalem (24:3). But Jesus sets the parousia apart from his judgment-coming against Jerusalem: in v. 27 he says that the parousia will be as clear as a lightning bolt so that no one should believe that Christ has returned and is in the wilderness or an inner room (vv. 23, 26). So now having completed the first section focusing on the first question (vv. 4–36), Jesus will now introduce the parousia in beginning the second section (vv. 37, 39) which differs remarkably from the first section (on the temple’s destruction).

There is so very much here in the transition that hyperpreterism should not even exist. But such is the power of a theological fad that it not only exists but has scores of followers.

If you would like to donate to my writing ministry to help me move devote more time to this project and move along faster, I would welcome your tax-deductible gifts to GoodBirth Ministries.

Once I have completed this massive revision, I will return to a project already begun in the research stage:

The Two Ages of Redemptive History

I have begun research on this book, but have briefly set it aside in order to finalize the revision of my The Olivet Discourse Made Easy (see above). There has been much discussion and confusion on the meaning of the disciples’ question to Jesus in Matthew 24:3. I believe the disciples are confused when they ask Jesus about the end of history (not the end of the old covenant) as they link his prophecy of the temple’s destruction to “the end of the age.”

In that this greatly impacts one’s understanding of the structure of Jesus’ answer (i.e., whether he has a transition from AD 70 to the Final Judgment at the end of history in Matt. 24:34–36), I have decided to write a short book introducing and defending the Two-Age structure of redemptive history.

This book will explain and defend the argument that Jesus and Paul mention two ages (“this age” and “the age to come”) in referring to the flow of universal history. “This age” is the current, fallen, present evil age (Gal. 1:4), whereas “the age to come” is the perfect, future consummation age that will be established at Christ’s Second Coming.

However, since the resurrection of Christ we are living in an overlap of the two ages. Thus, we partially and spiritually experience now what we will fully and physically experience in the eternal order when Christ returns. This means that we are now spiritually resurrected (Eph. 2:6) and are spiritual new creations (2 Cor. 5:17) in anticipation and expectation of the eternal order. We now are tasting “the age to come” (Heb. 6:4).

Nearing Publication!

Revelation Commentary

Divorce of Israel smallIntroduction. In the Summer of 2014, I completed the research and writing of his two-volume commentary on Revelation, The Divorce of Israel: A Redemptive-historical Interpretation of Revelation. This major project had been ongoing since 2005, when GoodBirth Ministries was first established. This commentary will be around 1800 pages in two volumes.

On December 19 it was sent to printer to get a cost estimate and to finalize the cover dimensions. It appears that it will finally printed in February 2024. Lord willing and problems don’t arise!

The massive amount of in-depth research necessary for this Revelation Commentary Project could not have been accomplished without God’s blessing. And God employed as a means to that end, the raising up a number of donors who provided financial contributions both large and small. May God richly bless all of you who have helped!

Given my preterist understanding of Revelation, I have not only dug deeply into Revelation’s text itself, but into much ancient literature. He has read widely in ancient history, using the works of Tacitus, Suetonius, Dio Cassius, the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Eusebius, and others. He also has engaged Hebrew literature, researching in the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Sibylline Oracles, Philo, Josephus, Mishnah, Tosefta, Talmud, The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and more.

I have completed laborious spade-work in tracing out historical confirmations of his approach and to develop some helpful new insights into John’s forensic drama. This has resulted in many valuable new insights into John’s dramatic message.

This commentary provides a fully orthodox, evangelical, and conservative approach to a first-century fulfillment of Revelation. This redemptive-historical perspective is known as “preterism” (which is based on the Latin word meaning “passed by”). It takes note of and emphasizes the near-term indicators that recur throughout Revelation (e.g., Rev. 1:1, 3; 3:10; 6:11; 10:6; 12:12; 22:6, 10, 12, 22). It also affirms the inspired character of the prophecy, maintains a future visible, personal Second Advent of Christ, a physical general resurrection, and the end of temporal history, which results in the consummate new heavens and new earth. Thus, it avoids heretical excesses that are plaguing some preterist circles.

Distinctives. My commentary highlights Revelation’s special relevance to John’s original audience (which is so often overlooked). As it does so, it emphasizes the long-term implications for the on-going Christian faith (which is generally thought to be lost in a preterist exposition). The evangelical preterist view balances Revelation’s near-term relevance for John’s original audience with the long-term significance for his continuing audience.

The Divorce of Israel traces the unified flow of Revelation that is rooted in John’s judgment theme as stated in Revelation 1:7. This theme verse warns that Christ will soon come (metaphorically-providentially, not literally-visibly) in judgment against “those who pierced him,” the first-century Jews (see: Lk 24:20; Acts 2:22–23; 3:13-15a; 5:28, 30; 7:52; 10:39; 1 Thess. 2:14–15). It also will give full significance to the unmistakably Jewish flavor of the prophecies, the Hebrew character of John’s unusual grammar, and his heavy use of the Old Testament passages and imagery.

The commentary establishes a direct and irrefutable relationship between Revelation and Christ’s Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24–25 and parallels). In that famous Discourse Christ prophesies the first-century (Matt. 23:36; 24:34) destruction of the Jewish temple (Matt. 23:37–24:2), which dramatically, forcefully, and permanently concludes the old covenant (Matt. 8:11-12; 21:40-43; John 4:20–23). (The Epistle to the Hebrews also speaks of the removal of the temple and the ending of the old covenant, Heb. 8:13; 9:8–11; 12:22–28; cp. Matt. 8:11-12; 12:40–45.)

As the temple economy winds down in the first century, Christ sends the messengers of the new covenant to take the gospel into the broader world to gather his church from all nations (Matt. 24:31; cp. Matt 28:18–20; John 3:17; 11:51–52; 12:31–32; Acts 1:8).

Stones of the templeThe commentary provides a remarkable co-ordination of Revelation with the wider New Testament expectation of Christ’s first-century judgment upon the Temple and Israel. This recurring New Testament concern appears, for instance, in Matthew 21:40–45; 22:1–7; Acts 2:36–40; 1 Thess. 2:15–16; and Hebrews 8:13, to name but a few passages. Though this message appears time and again in the New Testament, it is too often either overlooked or misinterpreted by the contemporary Christian.

In the commentary I present an unparalleled and fascinating interaction of Revelation’s text with Josephus’ writings. Josephus inadvertently provides historical evidence for the first-century fulfillment of John’s prophecies. The Greek text of Josephus will be engaged, showing how it presents the historical events which John symbolizes in his forensic drama.

It offers offer an in-depth, verse-by-verse exegetical analysis of Revelation. But it will transliterate the Greek characters into English.

It also provides an abundant use of side-bar studies designed to clear the confusion and allay the fears of modern evangelicals regarding preterism. These excursuses will amplify important elements of the text that would otherwise encumber the verse-by-verse exposition.

Completed Spin-off Revelation Projects 

To demonstrate that your gifts have been bearing fruit, we would like to mention five spin-offs from this GoodBirth-funded Revelation research that are currently available. We have produced two books and four video lecture series. In addition, we will show other projects not connected to our Revelation research which were funded by your generous giving.

Book of Revelation Made EasyThe Book of Revelation Made Easy. The first small project arising from the GoodBirth-funded research is The Book of Revelation Made Easy. This 140 page book was first published by American Vision in 2008 and was updated in 2011. It was written with a lay audience in mind and introduces several basic issues necessary for understanding Revelation. It has been well-received and is currently our biggest seller.

Navigating the Book of Revelation. The second work generated out of GoodBirth research funding is Navigating the Book of Revelation. This 195 page (small print!) book was published directly by GoodBirth Ministries. It was designed for serious students of Revelation who are interested in the preterist distinctives and implications of John’s great prophetic work. It covers several major questions debated by scholars and crucial for filling out what Dr. Gentry calls “redemptive-historical preterism.” In this work you will see how John put on the mantle of the Old Testament prophet to confront Israel in her rebellion. You will understand his anger with Israel, paralleling John the Baptist, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel.

Keys to Book of Revelation

Keys to the Book of Revelation. The third item that GoodBirth funding has encouraged is a video-taped DVD series titled Keys to the Book of Revelation. This four-lecture set provides the necessary keys for opening Revelation to a deeper and clearer understanding. Filmed at a Revelation seminar in Greenville, South Carolina, these lectures cover the basics necessary for understanding this challenging book. Covers Revelation’s setting and expectation of revelation, theme and focus, characters and flow, as well as the millennium and new creation material. A note-taking syllabus is provided with this lecture set.

Survey of Revelation smallSurvey of the Book of Revelation. The fourth item encouraged by donations to the ministry is a series of video-taped lectures by Dr. Gentry titled A Survey of the Book of Revelation. This video set was designed for use in Sunday school, small group, and personal Bible studies. The lectures cover the whole of Revelation in twenty-four lectures of thirty-five minutes each and were produced by joint co-operation between Victorious Hope Publishing and Whitefield Media. A note-taking syllabus is provided with this lecture set.

Climax of RevelationThe Climax of the Book of Revelation. The fifth project flowing from Revelation research funded by GoodBirth Ministries donations is the DVD lecture series titled: The Climax of the Book of Revelation. This set of video lectures on six DVDs provide important introductory material on Revelation as a whole, then focus primarily on the final four chapters of Revelation. These messages present even more detailed information on this section of Revelation than Dr. Gentry’s lectures on the whole book of Revelation (titled: Survey of the Book of Revelation). These lectures show that God’s enemies are defeated so that his people might receive the victory. Much of modern exposition of these chapters miss the main themes and ultimate point. This set of lectures was filmed at a Revelation conference in Oregon. A note-taking syllabus is provided with this lecture set.

Additional Completed Projects

Understanding Creation Account 2017

Understanding the Creation Account. In late 2018, Dr. Gentry completed the research and presentation of an in-depth series titled Understanding the Creation Account. In this five-DVD series, powerful exegetical evidence for a literal Six-day Creation is presented. This is followed by an in-depth examination and refutation of the Framework Hypothesis, which is so popular in Reformed circles. This DVD set has been produced by GoodBirth Ministries. A note-taking syllabus is provided with this lecture set.

Have We Missed the Second Coming SMALL

Have We Missed the Second Coming? Also produced in 2018 is a book titled Have We Missed the Second Coming? It’s sub-title is A Critique of the Hyper-preterist Error. The Hyper-preterist movement teaches that Jesus’ second coming occurred in the first century when the Jewish temple was destroyed in AD 70.  And that the great resurrection and judgment occurred at the same time. It also teaches that the resurrection body is spiritual rather than physical. And that the present, temporal order will never end.  This book provides many helpful insights into the Hyper-preterist errors. A note-taking syllabus is provided with this lecture set.

Your Hope in God’s World. This five-part series of lectures presents the theological and exegetical argument for the postmillennial hope in our fallen world. The last lecture in Your Hope in God’s World answers the major practical, theological, and exegetical objections to postmillennialism. An excellent series for both introducing and refreshing one’s understanding of postmillennialism. When used with the pdf syllabus, it becomes a helpful teaching tool for personal or group Bible study.

Political Issues Made Easy. The Made Easy Series provides substantial studies on significant issues in a succinct and accessible format from an evangelical and Reformed perspective. Political Issues Made Easy is a helpful manual for establishing a soundly biblical approach to socio-political issues. This highly readable (made easy!) book covers a number of important issues impacting politics in the modern world. It works from political presuppositions and biblical principles of government to specific practical political issues. Issues such as national defense, borders and immigration, economics, limited government, gay rights, and more. It even provides important insight into the pesky “lesser-of-two-evils” voting dilemma (confirming the Christian’s voting for the lesser-of-evils). This book is a reformulation of Gentry’s earlier book, Political Christianity.

The Truth About Series

The Truth About Series™ offers succinct, biblically-based, and carefully-structured studies specifically designed for either personal or small group Bible studies. Not only do the chapters breakdown the material in logical chunks, but at the end of each chapter we present two types of study questions:
• Review Questions that assist the reader in better comprehending the core issues dealt with in the chapter.
• Discussion Questions that promote further group reflection on the topic beyond that which is presented.

The Truth about Postmillennialism: A Study Guide for Individual or Group Bible Study. The Truth about Postmillennialism is a study guide for personal or small group Bible study. It explains the optimistic prophetic hope for this world to be accomplished before Christ’s Second Coming. It establishes the postmillennial system in both the Old and New Testaments. This study series touches on key eschatological issues, such as creation, covenant, interpretive methodology, the great tribulation, the Book of Revelation, the Jewish Temple, and more. It presents and answers the leading objections to postmillennialism. Its twelve chapters are ideal for one quarter of Sunday School lessons.

The Truth about Salvation: A Study Guide for Individual or Group Bible Study. The Truth about Salvation is a study guide for personal or small group Bible study. This book deals with the Christian doctrine of salvation from a Reformed theological perspective. It opens with a study of God as loving Creator, the shows how the first man fell into sin. Shows God’s righteousness requires that sin be dealt with. Presents Jesus as both God and man so that he can be man’s Savior. Includes review questions and questions for further study. Its twelve chapters are ideal for one quarter of Sunday School lessons, as well as for personal Bible study.

PostmillennialWorldview Blog

GoodBirth is also continuing to maintain the (newly re-titled!) blog site: “PostmillennialWorldview.” This site presents various articles on topics of interest for Christian worldview thinking, with a special significance for promoting the biblical worldview from a hope-filled, postmillennial perspective.

PostmillWorldview Godawa

Continuing Funding Needed

The Lord has blessed us with faithful giving from interested Christians—and we are thankful for his blessing and their assistance. However, we still need additional funds to continue our research and production of important Christian educational materials.

You may give a tax-deductible gift on-line to support this research by clicking on the DONATE button on the top left of this screen. Or if you prefer, you may send a tax-deductible gift to our ministry by writing a check to “GoodBirth Ministries” and sending it to:

GoodBirth Ministries
P.O. Box 285
Chesnee, SC 29323

Another way you can support our work is to use Amazon’s Amazon Smile program. You can support us by donating a portion of the cost of any purchase you make on (at no cost to you!)by designating your Amazon Smile donation to GoodBirth Ministries at