Who We Are

GoodBirth Ministries Mission Statement

Gentry smaller“Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness” (Acts 28:31).

GoodBirth Ministries was established in order to expound, apply, advance, and defend conservative, evangelical Reformed theology in the modern world by supporting Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. in his research and writing ministry. To those ends we offer the following Mission Statement.

Our Aims

GoodBirth Ministries, Inc., is a 501 (c) (3) corporation located in South Carolina. As a religious educational ministry, we are committed to sponsoring, subsidizing, and advancing serious Christian scholarship and education in order to:

(1) Assist individual Christians, local congregations, and other bodies of believers in understanding, applying, and promoting a full-orbed Christian worldview, so that Christians might be committed to the call of Scripture that “whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31); and

(2) Defend against and challenge the various expressions of unbelief in our modern culture, by demonstrating “that the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses” with a view to “destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God [by] taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:4-5).

Our Doctrine

This ministry is founded upon the inspired, infallible, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God and is committed to the biblically-based evangelical and Reformed doctrinal system outlined in the historic Westminster Standards, including the Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Consequently, we affirm a Trinitarian, covenantal, optimistic theology of sovereign grace.

Our Methods

Image7We seek to promote these goals through various means of Christian educational outreach, including: full-length books, published articles, video-taped studies, audio recordings, Internet newsletters, position papers, and conference lectures. In all of this we are engaged in “preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence” (Acts 28:31).

Our Desire

We see GoodBirth Ministries as possessing the potential for impacting both the theological understanding and the spiritual commitment of Christians for a more vibrant, fuller and stronger service of the Triune God of Scripture. We are committed to researching, expounding, applying, advancing, and defending conservative, evangelical Reformed theology in the modern world.

Our Name

“Our name “GoodBirth” is a play on the meaning of the name of our founder and Executive Director, Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. Etymologically, “Gentry” means “a person of good birth and breeding.” In referring to the “good birth,” our name reflects the biblical hope for spiritual living and God-honoring service of God the Son, which is rooted in the new birth by the sovereign grace of God the Father through the internal operation of God the Spirit (John 3:1-8; 1 Peter 1:3, 23). GoodBirth Ministries wants Christians to understand their “good birth” so that they may faithfully “walk in newness of life” in Christ (Rom. 6:4).

Our Incorporation

The general purposes for which GoodBirth Ministries has been incorporated are to operate exclusively for such spiritual and educational purposes as qualify it as an exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3), including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as tax exempt organizations under the Code. Consequently, all gifts made to our ministry are approved for a federal tax deductible status.